Alison Hayes
Sr. Marketing Admin
The Power of Pets
Did you know that most U.S. households own a pet? Here at Targa we are thrilled to be right in step with this statistic, showing that our percentage of pet ownership aligns closely with the national average. But, what truly sets us apart, is when you consider the fact that many of us have more than one pet. With multiple furry friends in our midst, Targa may exceed expectations, putting us ahead of the pack.
The power of pets is remarkable. Whether they have fur, feathers, or scales, pets of all kinds offer companionship, lending a listening ear (most pets have ears) and a furry or feathery shoulder to lean on. Research has shown that simply interacting with animals can lead to a decrease in stress-related cortisol levels and lower blood pressure, highlighting some of the benefits they bring into our lives.
Pet-friendly Workplace:
We opted for a gradual approach to introducing a pet-friendly office environment, starting with a pilot project that initially welcomed well-behaved canines for the day. Over the past year, our furry companions have integrated into our workspace, contributing positively to the overall atmosphere. We are pleased to share that our office-pet program continues to thrive.
The presence of water bowls and the occasional wagging tail are now welcomed sights, and we’ve even designated a special cubby for dog treats, conveniently located alongside our office essentials like post-it notes and envelopes. Our four-legged colleagues not only enhance productivity but also provide us with a great excuse to enjoy an afternoon walk around the block.

We prioritize the well-being of all of our employees, taking into consideration allergies, air quality, and maintaining a harmonious office environment. To ensure everyone’s needs are met, visits from our furry friends are limited to one dog per day. This measure helps us maintain a healthy and respectful workplace while still allowing for the positive benefits of pet visits.

Work from home
Pet’s make great co-workers, both in the office and at the home office. Targa’s hybrid work model makes this a perfect scenario as pet owners aren’t feeling tugs of guilt from leaving their pets to spend multiple days in office in a row. Team members can enjoy their pets at home half of the week, oftentimes finding non-human support and companionship right by their side. The same positive effects of increased job satisfaction and productivity that is found in the office with pets can also apply to the home workplace as well.
Whether you prefer scales to feathers or long tails to short, we believe that the benefits of pet ownership can foster a more harmonious, productive and inclusive work culture.