801-746-0070 info@targamedia.com
Our Team’s Inktober Adventure

Our Team’s Inktober Adventure

Alison Hayes Sr Marketing Admin at Targa Media

Alison Hayes

Senior Marketing Admin


Our Team’s Inktober Adventure

What creative challenge lasts 31 days and gets the whole team sketching? If Inktober came to mind, you’re spot on. This beloved month-long sketching event has inspired artists worldwide for years, and this year, we decided to embrace the challenge as a team. With a little bit of planning and enthusiasm, we got organized and made it our own.

We shared the prompts and added a fun twist; each team member randomly selected one or two to tackle each week. The unpredictability of the assignments kept things exciting, encouraging us to really get creative. Drawing one sketch per week was a good speed that felt manageable and motivating. This year’s prompts had a subtle adventure theme which allowed each person to incorporate their unique interests and style into their drawings.

Now that the month has come to a close, it’s amazing to see the diversity and creativity of the sketches. Each piece reflects not only the prompts but also the unique personalities and styles of the team.

We look forward to Inktober each year and we love sharing the creativity of our team with you.

Office Wins for Halloween

Office Wins for Halloween

Alison Hayes Sr Marketing Admin at Targa Media

Alison Hayes

Senior Marketing Admin

Office Wins for Halloween

The spookiest time of year isn’t just for kids––Halloween in the workplace can bring out the best in your team. Bring on the bat decor (not the real bats) the carved pumpkins, the candy, there is something about Halloween that everyone can appreciate. The tricks and the treats can most definitely be enjoyed at work and provide a little break from regular office routines.


You can not argue that one of the main cornerstones of Halloween are treats and by using the word treats I mean candy. Even the most stalwart health devotee has a favorite halloween candy and probably a fun story that goes along with it. Here at Targa, we take candy pretty seriously and have even done outbound campaigns around it. If you would like to see our Top 10 List of imaginary candy bars, please reach out directly.

Constumes and Decor

Halloween is a unique chance for employees to showcase their personalities and creativity through costumes and decorations. Costumes bring a fresh energy and a silly perspective to the workday. If your workplace is as dog friendly as ours, don’t forget to costume the four-legged co-workers.


Creative Discussion

The Halloween season isn’t just about costumes and candy-it’s also prime time for spooky movies. Believe it or not, horror films can make for fantastic discussion topics in the office. It seems unorthodox, but hear me out:

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the horror genre is rich with creativity, storytelling and unique aesthetics. Where we’re bonding over shared jump scares or analyzing character development, horror films offer plenty of fuel for creative conversation. We work in the creative industry and as a group, harbor a healthy appreciation for this film genre.

Embracing Halloween festivities in the workplace reminds everyone that work can be fun, creative and collaborative. So bring on the spooky, the costumes, the tricks. You know what they say, an office that celebrates together, grows together.

The Bright Side of Office Days

The Bright Side of Office Days

Alison Hayes

Sr. Marketing Admin

The Bright Side of Office Days

It’s that time of year when the chilly feel of fall creeps into the morning air. Suitcases return to a stack in the closet; sunscreen bottles squeezed to the very last drop. Students have returned to school, it’s time for the rest of us to get back to work.

Changing Workscapes

Daily office visits have shifted for many of us. It wasn’t that long ago that a Monday through Friday in-office eight hour work day was standard. We filled up our gas tanks and commuted back and forth and managed to fit it all into the week. During the covid pandemic, that changed for many of us. One of the biggest hold-overs from that time is the flexibility that many of us now enjoy with our jobs. Targa’s hybrid work style was implemented and it has withstood the test of time, it works well for our dynamic and collaborative team.

With fresh return to work mandates hitting inboxes, many employers are making an effort to make office time more attractive to their staff. The New York Times calls this trend the hotelification of offices, with office buildings putting an increased focus on workers amenities, like coffee shops and gyms, some spaces are offering a signature scent.

Targa Office Days

Targa strives to maintain a positive environment for the staff.  For a few years now we have had a hybrid work model, a few days a week are spent working at home, a few days a week are spent in-office. We see that the staff appreciates their home days and we work hard to ensure that office days together are welcoming, comfortable and motivating. We believe that one of our biggest strengths is the creativity and camaraderie that comes when working as a team. We value our time spent together.

For in-office days all of the basics are covered. Everyone has a workstation and work tools that they enjoy using, access to a pleasant space with clean air, and plenty of snacks and meals. In office days might include a visit from a four-legged friend, and a shared lunch on the sunny patio. These are simple small things that people really appreciate.

Beyond the Basics

While ‘hotelification’ offers appealing amenities, Targa takes it a step further by fostering an environment that prioritizes support, respect, and professional growth for every team member. These intentions keep us connected as a team and this is how we perform our best.

While having a gym or coffee shop in the basement would be a nice perk, I consider myself truly fortunate. My job entails working with this high-caliber group, and it’s my privilege to return to that work each day.

Jason’s Take

I love this…Alison emphasizes the in-person perks that can’t seldom happen on video calls. Face-to-face time creaties those valuable moments between the meetings, presentations, and feverish note taking. For this reason I’m a huge fan of hybrid work models. Our Targa team is finding ways to grow together—not just with perks like snacks and comfortable workspaces but moreso with a real emphasis on organic interactions and connection. The real opportunity transcends the amenities, we’re drawn instead into spaces where people feel supported and valued. I believe that’s what drives creativity and growth, both as professionals and as human beings.

The Power of Pets

The Power of Pets

Alison Hayes Sr Marketing Admin at Targa Media

Alison Hayes

Sr. Marketing Admin

The Power of Pets

Did you know that most U.S. households own a pet? Here at Targa we are thrilled to be right in step with this statistic, showing that our percentage of pet ownership aligns closely with the national average. But, what truly sets us apart, is when you consider the fact that many of us have more than one pet. With multiple furry friends in our midst, Targa may exceed expectations, putting us ahead of the pack.

The power of pets is remarkable. Whether they have fur, feathers, or scales, pets of all kinds offer companionship, lending a listening ear (most pets have ears) and a furry or feathery shoulder to lean on. Research has shown that simply interacting with animals can lead to a decrease in stress-related cortisol levels and lower blood pressure, highlighting some of the benefits they bring into our lives.

Pet-friendly Workplace:

We opted for a gradual approach to introducing a pet-friendly office environment, starting with a pilot project that initially welcomed well-behaved canines for the day. Over the past year, our furry companions have integrated into our workspace, contributing positively to the overall atmosphere. We are pleased to share that our office-pet program continues to thrive.

The presence of water bowls and the occasional wagging tail are now welcomed sights, and we’ve even designated a special cubby for dog treats, conveniently located alongside our office essentials like post-it notes and envelopes. Our four-legged colleagues not only enhance productivity but also provide us with a great excuse to enjoy an afternoon walk around the block.

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We prioritize the well-being of all of our employees, taking into consideration allergies, air quality, and maintaining a harmonious office environment. To ensure everyone’s needs are met, visits from our furry friends are limited to one dog per day. This measure helps us maintain a healthy and respectful workplace while still allowing for the positive benefits of pet visits.

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Work from home

Pet’s make great co-workers, both in the office and at the home office. Targa’s hybrid work model makes this a perfect scenario as pet owners aren’t feeling tugs of guilt from leaving their pets to spend multiple days in office in a row. Team members can enjoy their pets at home half of the week, oftentimes finding non-human support and companionship right by their side. The same positive effects of increased job satisfaction and productivity that is found in the office with pets can also apply to the home workplace as well.

Whether you prefer scales to feathers or long tails to short, we believe that the benefits of pet ownership can foster a more harmonious, productive and inclusive work culture.

Shared Ownership, Opening New Doors for Targa

Shared Ownership, Opening New Doors for Targa

Jason Steed

Owner & CEO

Shared Ownership, Opening New Doors for Targa

This epic signing moment says it all: Strategy Supercharged! After several years of inspiring leadership she has brought to Targa, it was an easy decision for me to offer Taleen the opportunity to become a business partner. I’m honored that she accepted her new role to help enrich Targa’s value. I’ll share a few milestones that this joint venture brings to our team and our clients.

Partnering Up to Tackle Growing Pains

Targa is growing up, and it’s exciting to trust the process. Bringing on a business partner was a critical step for me in meeting client expectations and growing our business. Though I consider myself conservatively minded, there’s something exhilarating about the unpredictable process of business growth. My wife Heather and I had worked hard to make ends meet for several years. Previous business startups left us licking wounds and digging deep for solutions to a sustainable career. Our ups and downs built the foundation for slow and steady growth. Our relationships with community and friends built the engine for our brand and partnerships ahead.
Since I founded Targa in 2002, I’ve made it a point to surround myself with positive, abundance-minded people. I’ve always believed that you don’t have to look far for people with enormous potential and talent. Taleen joined Targa in 2016, and from day one, her abundance-minded people-first approach has helped to propel the brand that builds long-term client relationships and draws great creative talent to our firm. We coincidentally forged friendships much earlier than 2016 in our community theater world, but that’s a fun blog for another day ;-]
Signing of Targa partnership agreement at Bees Stadium Ballpark
“From day one, Taleen’s abundance-minded people-first approach has helped to propel the brand that builds long-term client relationships and draws great creative talent to our firm”

Common Goals and Unique Strengths

I often make the claim that I’m not the one to write a book on successful entrepreneurship. The steps that brought me to where I am today feel very much out of the norm. But maybe the exceptions to the norm are exactly what defines an entrepreneur. Taleen and I have very different skill sets, but we share the same vision for what success looks like in every creative project. Each marketing task requires human connection. We share the weight of digging deep when crafting a creative brief and asking meaningful questions. Multiplied by several tasks in a day, this is often a heavy burden to bear. Taleen’s willingness to help lift that load has brought an unmatched depth of value to our business, helping me to shoulder a deeper level of core responsibilities. Moreover, Taleen’s help with core business processes has helped me to restore valuable time to Heather and our children, community and church, health, and other balanced pursuits.
What Shared Ownership Means to Our Clients
  • New Ideas: Investing in our business foundations brings new ideas and leadership to our clients.
  • Broader Skillset: Tackling problems from different life experiences means more tools and tactics for our clients
  • New Client Bonds: Our shared baseline for putting people first makes for longer-lasting client connections.
  • More Life Balance: Our ability to divvy out weighty responsibilities makes for better life balance and rich collective energies.
  • Growing Together: We discover and broaden new marketing ideas alongside our clients.
What Shared Ownership Means to our Team
  • Leadership Diversity: Each of us benefits from diverse leadership styles, offering more ways to grow and learn.
  • Skill Enhancement: Taleen knows the predictable input/output of systems — a vital balance to my right-brained less analytic wiring — in turn, broadening the team’s expertise.
  • Increased Support: Taleen leads out in the essentials of day-to-day efficiencies.
  • Professional Growth: We invest in each other, keeping personal and professional development in the top position.
  • Strengthened Team Bonds: Taleen’s people-first approach enhances team cohesion and morale.
Targa team at Bees Ballpark in Salt Lake City July 21 2023

What’s Your Partnership Story?

Have you brought on 1 or more business partners in your space? I’d love to hear what factors felt right in your business for adding a partner or expanding your company structure. I’m very much of the mind that it’s better to own some of something than all of nothing. ;-] May you embrace the changes and find rewards in taking on the required risks!

About Targa
For over 20 years, Targa has been helping B2B customers be relevant and authentic in their marketing messaging. From local businesses to global Fortune 500s, our method centers on human motivation. We work hard to understand each product and the people who need it most, and then we build campaigns that match up with emotional triggers. We keep our clients informed every step of the way—from napkin scratches to final designs—so they never waste time or money on dead-end campaigns. Meet your un-ad agency. We do things a little differently than your average ad agency. More at un-adagency.com
Food for Thought: Fuel for the Targa Team

Food for Thought: Fuel for the Targa Team

Alison Hayes Sr Marketing Admin at Targa Media

Alison Hayes

Sr. Marketing Admin

Food for Thought: Fuel for the Targa Team

You know that old saying, “An office that eats together, stays together” Well, maybe it’s a bit of a stretch, but there’s something undeniably special about sharing a meal. Here at Targa, we’re all about making sure our fantastic team is not just working hard but also feeling their absolute best, and that’s where our weekly office lunch comes in. Around here, we take our food seriously because we believe that a well-fed team is a happy and productive one.

Boost Morale and Team Spirit:

Offering delicious meals at work goes beyond satisfying hunger, it cultivates a genuine sense of community and camaraderie, nurturing positive connections among our team members. It’s a straightforward gesture that not only lifts spirits but also weaves a tighter, more closely-knit workforce. Whether it’s celebrating a birthday, half-birthday, or any special occasion, we make it personal by letting the honored individual choose the restaurant, turning it into a small celebration.


Ever notice how a rumbling stomach can easily lead to a distracted mind? We get it. That’s why we believe in more than just work-we believe in fueling our team with the goodness they need. When nourishing meals are just a step away, it transforms our workplace into an environment of focus and energy.

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No need to search for food; we’ve streamlined it, making the most of our work hours and boosting productivity. We understand that variety is important, so we keep a range of snacks within arm’s reach-from wholesome trail mix to a bit (a lot) of chocolate, and the occasional donut. On extra special days, you might just find the spicy aroma of homemade cookies filling the air. It’s the little things that make our workdays not just productive, but downright enjoyable.

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Encouraging healthy eating habits isn’t just about what’s on the plate; it’s
about fostering a culture of vitality. By offering nourishing meals at work, we aim to cultivate habits that transcend the lunch table. A team that embraces nutritious choices is a team that radiates alertness, engagement, and resilience qualities that seamlessly contribute to a positive and uplifting work Environment. Our commitment to ensuring everyone is prepared and ready to tackle the day is reflected in our consideration of food sensitivities, allergies, and individualized nutrition plans.

At our table, there’s always something to suit everyone’s taste and dietary needs. Sharing great meals goes beyond our amazing team; we extend it to our clients as well. We are constantly on the lookout, planning the next client visit and outing. So, whether you find yourself in our neck of the woods or we’re in yours, please know you will always have a seat at our table.

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