Alison Hayes
Senior Marketing Admin
Our Team’s Inktober Adventure
What creative challenge lasts 31 days and gets the whole team sketching? If Inktober came to mind, you’re spot on. This beloved month-long sketching event has inspired artists worldwide for years, and this year, we decided to embrace the challenge as a team. With a little bit of planning and enthusiasm, we got organized and made it our own.
We shared the prompts and added a fun twist; each team member randomly selected one or two to tackle each week. The unpredictability of the assignments kept things exciting, encouraging us to really get creative. Drawing one sketch per week was a good speed that felt manageable and motivating. This year’s prompts had a subtle adventure theme which allowed each person to incorporate their unique interests and style into their drawings.
Now that the month has come to a close, it’s amazing to see the diversity and creativity of the sketches. Each piece reflects not only the prompts but also the unique personalities and styles of the team.
We look forward to Inktober each year and we love sharing the creativity of our team with you.