Jason Steed
Owner & CEO
Targa Holiday Watch Party

JASON | The Snowman
I was introduced to this 20-minute animated short in design class at BYU. Afterward, we students each shared something that stuck out in our minds. For me it’s the audio track—even in a film with no spoken words. Yes, there’s the powerful song sung by a youth soprano, but just as engaging are the ambient sounds throughout this entrancing film. Watch the short.
Taleen | Christmas With the Kranks + The Christmas Chronicles
Christmas with the Kranks puts a fun spin on the stress all parents feel during the holidays. You think you might escape it this year…but then the holiday spin begins. I love this movie because it reminds me that in the crazy traditions, the stressful shopping and schedules, there is joy in the small things. Christmas miracles are always possible and often result in the funnest new traditions. Watch the short.
Christmas Chronicles is a new tradition in our house. I think Christmas movies are one of the hardest to do well. Christmas Chronicles is an engaging and delightful movie and I LOVE Kurt Russel’s portrayal of Santa Clause. He really makes these movies fun. Watch the short.

Maddie | The Holiday + The Nightmare Before Christmas
In the Gray household, The Nightmare Before Christmas is a staple. I actually hadn’t seen this movie until a few years ago. It’s one of my husband’s favorites, and he demands we watch it every Christmas (and Halloween.) I love the spooky Tim Burton vibes (Corpse Bride is one of my all-time favorites), so I’m always up for it! Watch the short.
If we’re talking the Rom-Com route, The Holiday is a go-to. I can take or leave the Jude Law/Cameron Diaz arc, but I live for Kate Winslet and Jack Black. I also recommend visiting (or revisiting) the Christmas episodes of Psych, Monk, and Brooklyn 99.
Watch the short.
Heather | Star Wars
For me it’s not Christmas break if we don’t watch these movies. For each Christmas that a Star Wars episode was in theaters, our whole family went on Christmas day after unwrapping gifts. Then we would go home and watch the previous releases on TV. I still love this tradition of the Christmas movie marathon. I need more Star Wars movies…
Watch the 1978 Christmas special.

Rachel | Silent Night, Deadly Night
Halloween is too short and the holidays are so long! This film is perfect for a late night when your patience with family, Mariah Carey, and consumerism bottoms out. High body count, not kid friendly and the antithesis to sugary sweet holiday standards. It’s a campy 80’s horror classic filmed in Utah and it makes this grinch smile from ear to ear. Watch the TV trailer.
Tony | Muppet Christmas Carol +
“Twas the Episode Before Christmas”
I had always loved the muppets growing up, so when they came out with a Christmas movie, well, I had to see it. Even better, it was a classic retelling of the timeless story of the Christmas Carol.
Watch the short.
Another favorite is “Twas the Episode Before Christmas” of the TV show Moonlighting. There’s allegorical references to the actual Christmas story throughout, and at the end, Addison and Maddie break the “fourth wall” as they end with everyone singing, “The First Noel.” Watch the episode.