801-746-0070 info@targamedia.com

Alison Hayes

Sr. Marketing Admin

The Bright Side of Office Days

by | Oct 4, 2024 | Targa Team, Workplace Wellness

It’s that time of year when the chilly feel of fall creeps into the morning air. Suitcases return to a stack in the closet; sunscreen bottles squeezed to the very last drop. Students have returned to school, it’s time for the rest of us to get back to work.

Changing Workscapes

Daily office visits have shifted for many of us. It wasn’t that long ago that a Monday through Friday in-office eight hour work day was standard. We filled up our gas tanks and commuted back and forth and managed to fit it all into the week. During the covid pandemic, that changed for many of us. One of the biggest hold-overs from that time is the flexibility that many of us now enjoy with our jobs. Targa’s hybrid work style was implemented and it has withstood the test of time, it works well for our dynamic and collaborative team.

With fresh return to work mandates hitting inboxes, many employers are making an effort to make office time more attractive to their staff. The New York Times calls this trend the hotelification of offices, with office buildings putting an increased focus on workers amenities, like coffee shops and gyms, some spaces are offering a signature scent.

Targa Office Days

Targa strives to maintain a positive environment for the staff.  For a few years now we have had a hybrid work model, a few days a week are spent working at home, a few days a week are spent in-office. We see that the staff appreciates their home days and we work hard to ensure that office days together are welcoming, comfortable and motivating. We believe that one of our biggest strengths is the creativity and camaraderie that comes when working as a team. We value our time spent together.

For in-office days all of the basics are covered. Everyone has a workstation and work tools that they enjoy using, access to a pleasant space with clean air, and plenty of snacks and meals. In office days might include a visit from a four-legged friend, and a shared lunch on the sunny patio. These are simple small things that people really appreciate.

Beyond the Basics

While ‘hotelification’ offers appealing amenities, Targa takes it a step further by fostering an environment that prioritizes support, respect, and professional growth for every team member. These intentions keep us connected as a team and this is how we perform our best.

While having a gym or coffee shop in the basement would be a nice perk, I consider myself truly fortunate. My job entails working with this high-caliber group, and it’s my privilege to return to that work each day.

Jason’s Take

I love this…Alison emphasizes the in-person perks that can’t seldom happen on video calls. Face-to-face time creaties those valuable moments between the meetings, presentations, and feverish note taking. For this reason I’m a huge fan of hybrid work models. Our Targa team is finding ways to grow together—not just with perks like snacks and comfortable workspaces but moreso with a real emphasis on organic interactions and connection. The real opportunity transcends the amenities, we’re drawn instead into spaces where people feel supported and valued. I believe that’s what drives creativity and growth, both as professionals and as human beings.