Maddie Gray
Content Lead
The Pets Behind the Targa Team
Our new space has helped us to expand our team. It also means we can bring our pets into the office from time to time. Meet the animals behind the Targa Team—maybe you’ll learn a little something about us too:
Jason + Pepper
Pepper is our 7-yr-old labradoodle. She has decided that I’m the Alpha, and as such, she awaits a morning scratching then heads outside to leave the main floor all to me. She will not go to the basement while I’m there, unless Heather or one of our kids joins in. She will not eat her breakfast or dinner unless somebody else is also in the kitchen (sometimes we pretend to eat to help encourage her). Pepper is my running buddy…and hiking and wrestling and paddle boarding and snow shoveling and lawn mowing buddy. Our family absolutely loves her!

Taleen + Ginger, Otis, and Dragon
Ginger and Otis are my mini doxies. Ginger is my red-coated queen of the world—don’t even think about telling her otherwise. She’s sassy, and NO ONE else is allowed to dig in her holes in the yard. Otis is my black and tan struggle bus. He’s afraid of his own shadow and allergic to life. They love to squish into a one-dog sized bed together under my desk while I’m working. I’ve tried getting them bigger beds, but they reject them. Dragon is my adopted Russian Blue cat. She likes to bring me live mice for breakfast and walk across my keyboard when I am in a rush.

Maddie + Xena
Xena is my (assumed) border collie/aussie mix. I got her at a free adoption event at the Park Silly Market during a bachelorette party, so you know, pretty standard pet adoption story. If a normal dog’s shedding is a light spring shower, Xena’s shedding is a hurricane. She loves walks and runs, pup cups from Dutch Bros, and absolutely obliterating every dog toy she encounters. Her current list of fears includes car rides, cardboard boxes, and home improvement projects (regardless of power tool involvement). Oh, and I’m obsessed with her.

Rachel + Boo Cat
Boo Cat, aka Butthead, is old, cranky, and my bestest bud. He came to me last year from a bad situation. I never wanted a cat, but his 11-year-old energy is a perfect fit. He loves being an only child and will fight other cats to the death if they step onto his porch. The neighborhood cats no longer even test it. His ears are torn up and scarred from early life as an alley cat, but he demands running water and the softest of beds now. Boo has become so cuddly and talkative over the last year. Lucky we found each other.

Nate + Oogie Boogie
This is my best bud Oogie Boogie. Oogie was an alley kitten that was abandoned by his mother at a VERY young age due to a sinus infection. Most kittens in this circumstance would become feral. Oogie did not. After nursing him back to health, he became one of the most loving and energetic cats I’ve ever met. He spends his days climbing around the house, watching the squirrels out the window, playing with all of his toys (I spoil him a bit), and cuddling up on me for big naps. Oogie is very vocal and if you’re anywhere near him you’ll hear him purring. He’s my favorite work from home buddy.